Nina Hinton
Part of my remit at Videosign includes keeping an eye on what everyone is talking about in the world of virtual witnessing and online contracting, so a social media post talking about ‘liveness detection’ being the next big thing caught my eye earlier today.
I completely agree that liveness detection is a key feature of any software relating to the signing of contracts. Liveness detection, or anti-spoofing, is used in different systems to ensure that the biometric sample is genuine by detecting physiological or behavioural characteristics of individuals to verify their identity.

In short, liveness detection helps provide assurance that signers are real, and just as importantly that they are who they say they are.

This is the very principle on which Videosign was created – liveness detection has been a key feature of our electronic contracting software for over 2 years.
Videosign’s mission is, and has been since our inception, to deliver a single, browser-based product which enables the end-to-end remote contracting process whilst embedding biometric identity verification, and virtual witnessing. 

It is worth highlighting that biometric systems are still vulnerable to attacks so should be used as one tool in your defence armoury for compliant and secure contracting. This is where integrating a full range of features such as eIDAS qualified document certification; tamper proof signatures; ID verification; and embedded live video evidence all combine at Videosign to create the most secure and legally binding electronic contracting system.

With liveness detection well and truly embedded as a key feature of Videosign, the team are now looking ahead: what new technology is emerging; where are the vulnerabilities; and what are the key security features needed across different sectors. However, with security already a staple feature, the team can focus on customer experience, accessibility for users on both sides of the contracting process, and development opportunities to make Videosign even more cost-effective for the end-user.

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