Although we’re based in the UK, Videosign is trusted around the world as the most user-friendly and efficient way of remotely witnessing and signing documents.

In New Zealand, we’re chosen by Agreeable, helping to save their clients thousands of dollars and huge amounts of time each year.

Founded by NZ’s former Solicitor General Michael Heron KC, Agreeable provides Kiwis with automated legal agreements, and online advice and signing services.

Agreeable’s Business Development Manager Will Eddowes says: “Our system saves Kiwis thousands of dollars and weeks of time versus the traditional system.

“We have a panel of great local lawyers, and we provide them with a Videosign account to use in their cases with us.

“Videosign has been very helpful. We’ve tried other alternatives, but Videosign is the most user-friendly, with a clear interface that is easy for lawyer and client to pick up quickly. 

“We are a company built on applying pragmatism and common-sense to the law, and Videosign fits into that well. Feedback has been excellent, from both lawyers and clients.”

Our unique online meeting service uses artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition software to confirm identities of people when they sign or witness a contract online.

Tamper-proof digital signatures are made on documents, backed up with video evidence of the signing and witnessing process.

Videosign CEO Steven Tallant says: “I’m delighted to receive such positive feedback from Agreeable, and even more pleased to hear that using Videosign is helping clients to save time and money.”

To find out how Videosign can help your business and improve the experience for your clients, book a free demo today.

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